Use the MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk Activity

Note: Use caution when building or editing a workflow. For further advice or to arrange training, contact your professional services consultant.

The MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk activity can be used to move a specified file to from database storage to file storage. When using a network location further steps are required. Steps are outlines at the bottom of General (Cross-System).

The MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk activity is located in the General section of the Tribal Toolbox.

This activity contains the following relevant properties.

Section This field Holds this information...
Inputs BlobIdArg The blob table id value.
Misc DisplayName

The title of the activity.

Note: The DisplayName property is set to MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk by default.

Outputs Success The result of the transfer - true when successful.

MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk activity properties

Clicking the ellipsis button adjacent to the relevant field opens the Expression Editor, where you can enter the relevant code in the Visual Basic (VB) format.


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